What is your opinion about cloning?
I think this is a very important topic to the science and the humanity to cure many illness through this method, but I'm in total disagreement with the comercial use(only the rich persons can utilize this) or generate clones to army (how you can see in the sci-fi movies)
What is your opinion about violence on television?
mmm I'm in disagreement with this and the sexual content on television, because the new generation are more ''awake''. The kids in this time are more violents and in the news you can see kids rob in the street.....Girls pregnant at early age.... The comunity need more culture and less programs how ''Yingo'' XD.... but don't stop programs of amusement (only improve the content)
What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

I think they are a terrible liars and a group of burglars... No comments
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I'm in agree in some cases how: rape, irreparable diseases ( to they don't suffer in the future),but in the case of disease how syndrome of down you can teach the kid to manage in the city or house...
What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
I'm in disagreement because this is a cruel and ineffective method. I think the best method are the masive sterilization and teach the people to take care of their animals.
If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments ^_^
Jajajajaja "no coments" about the chilean politicians!
ResponderEliminarI like your opinion about Chilean politicians, they are iiiugh.
jajajaj Yingo? i feel ashamed for them xd .. I prefer Calle 7 jajaja
ResponderEliminarI like the image the chilean politicians xD¡¡ is the true of the Chilean politics is a circus of thieves