Hello classmates, before speak of why i want to be a vet, i will speak about my first speculations of jobs in my childhood XD. Well when i was a kid i thought be a fireman, garbage collector, driver of the public transport or trucks :p When I grew up I realized that I got along very well with animals. My parents always remember a phrase said when small:'' Why kill your animals perhaps you don't love your animals'' i said to my aunt (south of Chile) was sacrificing a chicken, with the innocence of a kid. All of this made to opt for vet medicine. Other careers i thought: Medicine,odontology and Pharmacy. My experience in the university has been pleasantly but i need more contact with animals, more practice not only theory. Later I would work in clinic of equine :) (Picture: dorsal colon displacement)
If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments ^_^
I agree with you, we need to be more in touch with the animals, we need not only theory but also practice :)
ResponderEliminarGarbage collector?. Really? Jajjajajaja you will be a freat vet ;) you just have to study and put you PS3 far far away jajajjaja good luck! :)
ResponderEliminarAjajaj you have reason :) and....... garbage collector,''a boy with crazy dreams''.
ResponderEliminarA garbage collector too?? I'm so happy to know I'm not de only one! :)
EliminarGarbage collector? kjajajaj my cousin said the same
ResponderEliminarregards future colleague :)