domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 3

A) About horses:

1. What are the  5 most common pathologies of horses? Mention them and give a little description too.

Laminitis:There are several horse diseases common to the hoof, which is one of the most sensitive areas of the horse's body. Laminitis refers to inflammation of the digital laminae, which are attached to the hoof wall and to the coffin bone. When a horse suffers from laminitis, it will become increasingly difficult for him to walk without pain.

Founder:Founder isn't necessarily a disease of the horse, but a complication of many horse diseases. Founder occurs when a disease, such as laminitis, goes untreated for a long period of time, and most horses who founder are profoundly neglected.

EPM:Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a protozoal disease common to horses, particularly in the southern states. EPM is hosted by the opossum and is caused by a parasite called Sarcocystis neurona. This particular horse illness causes mostly neurological problems and can become serious if left untreated.

Equine Influenza:Viruses are some of the most deadly horse diseases because they can spread rapidly through a population if one infected horse is introduced to a herd or barn. Equine influenza presents with fever, dry coughs, increased mucus production and despondency.

Colic:Perhaps the most common horse disease is colic, which is a broad term used to describe an acute gastrointestinal problem. In some cases, colic signals an impaction of waste in the intestines; in others, it might simple constitute a stomach ache from changing feed or eating too fast.

Copyright Laura Thompson

2. Publish a picture of the horse's digestive system (with names)

3. Publish a picture of the horse's external anatomy  (with names)

B) Choose one of these farm animals:  duck, cow or rabbit.

1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website. (40 words)

I chose this website because it has all the necessary information to care for a rabbit. They are very well explained several issues concerning the rabbit, even videos with explanations. I hope this website will help those who have rabbits as pets.

2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's external anatomy.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

A Country I would like to visit

Hello classmates, today i will speak about ''A Country I would like to visit'... Japan.
Well i want to go japan because is a beautiful country with contrast between the technology and nature. Japan is an island nation in East Asia, with over 127 million people... a big population, the far exceed our countr. They have a large history, more of thousands of years,an interesting culture.
The first thing I will do is visit all the places in relation to technology and culture,art, sport art martials, and finally eat sushi in some restaurant. Other things i like the japan is the anime, all about video games XD. in this country are the most famous writers and producers of this thing I mentioned.
I'd like to study there for a year
to learn their language. This would give me the chance to get to know more of their culture.

Well, I hope that some day I can go to Japan and make my dream true. (Professor sentence XD)

If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments

Bye  ^_^  

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2

I love meerkats,i saw many chapters  of ''Meerkat Manor'' in Animal Planet :). In this picture you can see how the parents care for the baby. They are always aware of predators,especially when they have a small breeding so. I also like the way in which they stand to observe their surroundings find them very tender. :3

Another animal that I like is the penguin. I like walking, I find it funny. I also find that animals are very noble and elegant. I remember the ''happy feet penguins'' with this picture XD

World's Deadliest: Zombie Snails

This video shows a type of parasite in snails. All part when the snail eats the parasite and this takes mental control ''zombie snail''. But this parasite only uses it to find a new host, a bird, the snail parasite leads to a visible place to be eaten. (besides generating attractive colors).

World's Weirdest: Baby Beluga Beached

I don't know that species called beluga. I liked her very striking form of communication. They are very sociable. I was sorry to think all pups (or as they call XD) who must die in the summer by separarce of their mothers, but such is life in the wild.

King penguins

A fantastic panoramic image of a large group of penguins on the Georgia Island. More than one will remember a part of the movie ''happy feet'' with this picture (for which have seen this movie). I leave this link so they can enjoy other beautiful panoramic pictures.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

A Picture I like..

Hello classmates, today i will speak about ''a picture i like...'' Well this picture i remember took a one of my old classmates, two years ago in the front of high school ''José Victorino Lastarria'' In this picture you can see the previous moment to the official picture of the class (disorder XD),  too you can see a obscene gesture..... he was the president of ''CALL'' (center of students) very serious XD
I remember all the things that made those days, i had fun with my friends. The exact day that picture was took,''4 of october 2010'', final semester of ''3º medio''
I don`t know what more say....  just say.....I want to return to those times and share with my classmates more years, to see my old teachers,  to make more pranks to my friends XD
Aps i forgot to say where i am in the picture, i'm in the first line toward to right of picture, in my left are my friends (the three guys next me)

If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments

Bye  ^_^

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

What's your Opinion?

Hello dears classmates, i will speak about some topics in this post.

What is your opinion about cloning?

I think this is a very important topic to the science and the humanity to cure many illness through this method, but I'm in total disagreement with the comercial use(only the rich persons can utilize this) or generate clones to army  (how you can see in the sci-fi movies)

What is your opinion about violence on television?

mmm I'm in disagreement with this and the sexual content on television, because the new generation are more ''awake''. The kids in this time are more violents and in the news you can see kids rob in the street.....Girls pregnant at early age....  The comunity need more culture and less programs how ''Yingo'' XD.... but don't stop programs of amusement (only improve the content)

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
I think they are a terrible liars and a group of burglars... No comments

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I'm in agree in some cases how: rape, irreparable diseases ( to they don't suffer in the future),but in the case of disease how syndrome of down you can teach the kid to manage in the city or house...

What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?

I'm in disagreement because this is a cruel and ineffective method. I think the best method are the masive sterilization and teach the people to take care of their animals.

If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments ^_^

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

Hello classmates, before speak of why i want to be a vet, i will speak about  my first speculations of jobs in my childhood XD. Well when i was a kid i thought be a fireman, garbage collector, driver of the public transport or trucks :p When I grew up I realized that I got along very well with animals. My parents always remember a phrase said when small:'' Why kill your animals perhaps you don't love your animals'' i said to my aunt (south of Chile) was sacrificing a chicken, with the innocence of a kid. All of this made to opt for vet medicine. Other careers i thought: Medicine,odontology and Pharmacy. My experience in the university has been pleasantly but i need more contact with animals, more practice not only theory. Later I would work in clinic of equine :)  (Picture: dorsal colon displacement)
If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments ^_^

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

My favorite Piece of Technology is ....

My PS3 to play with my friends on-line :)
I need to play a few minutes before study, or i don't concentrate. I don't imagine my life without the console ( i can't study anymore XD)
I got it 2 years ago approximately after i won the award of the company of my father with my marks in the high school plus the money of my father, obiusly :d
I use my ps3 everyday for one hour minimun and maximun..... i don't remember XD.
With my ps3 i can listen music,see movies in blue-ray and youtube,save images and the most important functions is PLAY on-line or off-line to get trophies, with friends (how Gerardo Cuturrufo XD) :)
My life without the ps3.....i think would be boring, but i cant study more and get goods marks XD..... and practice a sport O.o ( i like practice sport)

If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments ^_^

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Continuous Assessment 1 (CA 1) > Webquest 1

Act 01
What is your favorite dog breed's name? Bearded Collie
Vocabulary Activity: look for the meaning of these words + 5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire.
sprinter: they like to run
jogger: they like to walk
breed: variety of dogs
to hunt: they like hunt ducks,etc (how wild dogs)
laid-back approach: relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything
watchdog: protect the home and their owners
grooming: clean the hair,skin,feed

Couch potato: lazy dogs
Gait: way of walk
Warm: heat
Fairly: in context( groom the dog moderately)
Among: between
  Act 02.-
   What are the words for these definitions?
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: Anesthesia
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: Inflammation
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside: Ribs
- A developing baby in the uterus: Fetus
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body:Ventricles
-  Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: Lungs
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: Humerus
Act 03.- Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin.
   In one or two lines, tell why you likeeach program.
I interest in Animal cops because in the program save the life of many animals( how 4a in the faculty)
I interest too in ''It`s me or the dog'' to know how to train my dog or if the problem ''it's me'' XD and the last ''Too cute'' to see the mos adorable puppies and kittens :)

My favourite band is.....

 I love Metallica (i listen all kind of music),i like the sounds of the guitars,the battery(how in the song ''Master of Puppets), the lyrics. Metallica in their early albums, his style was thrash metal but now is more hard rock. The Actual band members: James Hetfield-Leads vocal,rhythm guitar (1981-present)/ Lars Ulrich- drums(1981-present)/ Kirk Hammett- lead guitar, backing vocals(1983-present)/ Robert trujillo-bass, backing vocals (2003-present).

I like the album how Master of Puppets-->track listing(All lyrics written by James Hetfield): Battery/Master of Puppets :)/The thing you that should not be/ Orion... I like too ..and justice for all (i love One) and the news lyrics (not so new xD) how St. Anger, Frantic (the band change their style..).

 I like too Linkin Park :)

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Who am I...?

Hello dears classmate.
                                 My name is Fernando Sánchez García,born on April 26,1994 in Santiago,Chile (in the hospital Sotero del Río, I don't remember which hospital exactly,I think it was that....). In my chilhood I studied at Brother's School in La Florida (elementary school :p). Later, I completed my high school studies at Liceo José Victorino Lastarria, located in Providencia --> Over an hour to get to my high school...

Currently I'm student of veterinary medicine at faculty of antumapu in Universidad de Chile. Last year I don't study much for the P.S.U by the 7 months of strike @_@

I live with my parents and my sister in Puente Alto. I love videogames, anime and all kind of music. I practiced many sports how Judo, Kenpo, Basketball and chess, now i learn to play ping pong with my friends in the Cuchitril :)

If you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments
Bye  ^_^